Going Beyond Fun and into a World of Excitement, Entertainment and War 24/7
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Why play Beyond Ark?
Beyond Ark is the same as Official 1x, but there are more benefits for players:
1. Players help develop and expand the community with online inclusion via Playark.io
2. Players/Content Makers gain more recognition via Playark.io
3. Players have the option to purchase limited items/dinos via Playark.io?
Doesn't purchasing dino's ruin the game?
No. Every dino will not be available to purchase. Imagine you just got wiped. And you want to continue playing without being in complete despair. There are options to purchase starter packs that would assist with the rebuild process such as an Argy, Anky, Dodic some metal structures & a generator. Same for if tribes are struggling to do Boss fights and need a "Boss Fight Pack" which may include a Few rexes, Theri's and a Yuti or even a traveling pack which would include a few raptors and a few PT's just to make traveling less arduous.
Will there be events?
Of course! Events are not limited to the season. There will be certian days that include boosts such as 2x or 3x but it will be limited to sustain balance
What kind of feedback/support will be available?
We know Ark can be stressful. we will have frequent voting, poll systems and surveys to maintain balance and sustainability in gameplay and the community
What are the Guidelines?
Be Kindhearted
Be Respectful
Be Competitive
Be Entertaining